Germany 1930-1945 - German territories in WWII - Bundesrepublik

Lo-IX (IAS 12) 35 Rpf. München 20.11.1930. (First day 1.7.1930). Lo-X (IAS 13) 35 Rpf. Freiburg 23.4.1935. End of fifth line German text="Ge-" Lo-X (IAS 15) 30 RPF. Berlin NW 22.7.1935. Fifth line German text ends="umge-"
Lo-XI. (IAS 17). Frauenburg 2.3.1938. Cracked plate, Antwortschein. Lo-XI (IAS 17). Wuppertal 4.2.1937.
Missing dot between Allemange and Deutschland. Rare.
Lo-XIIp. (IAS 18). Graz 24.2.1939. With period = "p" in both panels.
Width inside frame of Lo-XIIp= 98 mm.
Lo-XIIo. (IAS 18). München 3.5.1939. Without period = "o" in both panels.
Width inside frame of Lo-XIIo= 98 mm.
Lo-XIIpr. (IAS 18). Berlin W 30.6.1941. Redeemed Tokyo 2.2.1942.
Width inside frame of Lo-XIIpr= 96,5 mm (r = reduced).
Lo-XIIop. (IAS 18). München 17.6.1944.
Without period in left panel, period in right panel.
Lo-XIIp. (IAS 18). Krems (Donau) 22.2.1944. Surcharge (by hand) 25 on 30 Rpf. Lo-XIIpr. (IAS 18b). Plattling 30.5.1944. Surcharge (metal stamp) 25 on 30 Rpf.
Reduced width of frame, 96,5 mm (r = reduced).
Lo-XIIo. (IAS 18). Innsbruck 19.6.1944. Surcharge (rubber stamp) 25 on 30 Rpf.
Without period in panels.
Lo-XIIIcp (IAS 19). 25 Rpf. München 11.5.1944. Lo-XIIIcpr. (IAS 19). Zülpich 9.5.1944
Reduced width of frame, 96,5 mm (r = reduced).
Lo-XIVp. (IAS 20). Fürth 14.4.1944.
"n" = "o". Period in panels. (XIVp: Scarce).
Lo-XIVo (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Berlin W 14.12.1944.
"n" in "nation" below "o" in "ordinaire" (French text last line).
Lo-XIVo (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Berlin N 14.12.1944.
"n" in "nation" to left of "o" in "ordinaire" (French text last line).
Lo-XIVo. (IAS 20). Leer (Ostfriesland) 7.6.1944.
Broken bottom line in left panel. Rare.
Lo-XIVor (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Essen 3.8.1944. Lo-XIVor (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Montabaur 19.5.1944.
Flyspeck at right of right panel.
Lo-XIVor (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Montabaur 20.6.1944.
Flyspeck at right of right panel.
Lo-XIIo. (IAS 18). Saarlautern 24.7.1944. Surcharge (by hand) 25 on 30 Rpf. Lo-XIVon (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Stettin 22.1.1945.
On reverse "y" in "country below "n" in "an".
Lo-XIVoa (IAS 20). 25 Rpf. Berlin NW 6.2.1945.
On reverse "y" in "country below "a" in "an".

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Hálfdan Helgason, Kópavogur, Iceland