The Icelandic summer has already left us and I think there is no Indian summer to expect up
here. Well, officially the winter arrives 25 Oct. - the first day of winter according to the calendar - but the winter has already reminded us of it's existence by sending some local snowstorms which fortunately left as quickly as they came. But there are more to come.
Anyway, the summer was very good and to make it even brighter we have had a lot of visitors from "
Fagridalur, abandoned farm in Vopnafjörður Photo: Mats Wibe Lund Click for a larger picture |
i.e. North America, and most likely there are still more coming this year to visit their ancestors' "good old" country.
I know that many bring with them a list of what they want to do and see and at the top of that list is: "I want to visit the place where my grandparents (or great grandparents) lived." Well, for many, to do that can be both expensive and time consuming. In some cases granddad came from the east of Iceland and granny came from the west. But many, and you among them, are lucky, you only have to visit one place since your folk, emigrated not single but as a family. So off you go and finally you are on the spot where they lived. But in many cases the old farm isn't there any more and you only see vaguely some remnants, fallen walls of stones and turf. The Icelandic summerday, usually so bright :-) has turned to gray - why now! - it's raining, the clouds are covering the nearby mountains and you feel just about as miserable as your ancestors were when they decided to leave this place with that hope in heart that YOUR life would be the best ever or at least as good as possible.
Anyway, you want to take a picture. How you wish the sun were shining and how you wish you could see the surroundings, but - ack, you have to live with your best picture, even so gray. Well, do you? On the web, you should point your browser to and browse through what is just a tiny bit of
Mats Wibe Lund's huge picture gallery of places all over in Iceland. If you really want a fine picture of the spot where your roots lies, you should contact him to see if he can't come up with what you wanted on your own picture.
Oh no, there is nothing in it for me